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Jürgen Resch

Jürgen Resch is Industry Manager Energy at COPA-DATA Headquarters. He has been passionate about power plants and remote-controlled stuff since he was a child. Now he is working in a company creating solutions to run substations and power plants optimized from the distance. If you want to test out his expertise and find out just how switched on he is, simply drop him an email.

Jürgen Resch

    Articles by Jürgen Resch

    Substation digitalization and next-level testing

    By Jürgen Resch

    By embracing digital technology, the energy transmission sector holds the key to a net zero future, writes Jürgen Resch.

    Making the switch: From traditional to digital substations

    By Jürgen Resch

    Jürgen Resch explains what factors to consider when transitioning from traditional to digital substations and how to successfully make the switch.

    Efficient HMI engineering for smarter substations

    By Jürgen Resch

    Jürgen Resch explores how HMIs can save time and reduce effort for a more efficient and more connected substation.

    Load flow analysis for substation management

    By Jürgen Resch

    Jürgen Resch, Industry Manager for Energy and Infrastructure explains why load flow data is key for grid operations.

    Keeping the lights on

    By Jürgen Resch

    Jürgen Resch, Energy and Infrastructure Industry Manager at COPA-DATA, investigates why stable renewable grid integration is crucial for Europe.

    Technology for energy resilience

    By Jürgen Resch

    Jürgen Resch, Industry Manager for Energy at COPA-DATA, explains, how to use technology and predictive maintenance to improve resilience to power failures.

    Serial communication to TCP/IP

    By Jürgen Resch

    Let's take a look why manufacturers should move their information systems from serial communication to TCP/IP.

    Situational awareness in substations

    By Jürgen Resch

    Let's explore the challenge of data blind spots for substation operators and how technology can be used to gain greater situational awareness.

    IEC 62351: Secure communication in the energy industry

    By Jürgen Resch

    Let's look into the importance of end-to-end secure communications in the energy sector and the need for the IEC 62351 standard.

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