Prevent costly downtime
By Bernd Wimmer
In automotive production, cars pass through untold, well-tuned stations. Thanks to compatibility, terminals don’t have to run the same zenon version for it.
Bernd Wimmer has been Automotive Industry Manager at COPADATA Germany since. Previously, he worked as a specialist for central control technology for TaurusMediaTechnik GmbH. He lives with his wife, two children, and their cat in beautiful Bavaria.
By Bernd Wimmer
In automotive production, cars pass through untold, well-tuned stations. Thanks to compatibility, terminals don’t have to run the same zenon version for it.
By Bernd Wimmer
When the call rings out behind the curtains at an international opera house, the conductor steps up to the stand and cues the musicians. In the central control system of an automotive production system, the zenon software platform can take on this role of conductor.