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Melting Blog

What's trending in the world of digitalization and automation? The COPA-DATA blog about the fusion of OT and IT with zenon.

    Maestro to the pit

    By Bernd Wimmer

    When the call rings out behind the curtains at an international opera house, the conductor steps up to the stand and cues the musicians. In the central control system of an automotive production system, the zenon software platform can take on this role of conductor.

    A new way to manage updates and patches

    By Reinhard Mayr

    Reinhard Mayr, Head of Information Security, explains, how to automate and easily integrate new components, updates or patches with the ondeso platform by keeping your equipment up and running.

    Laying the foundation for state-of-the-art HMI design

    By Gero Gruber

    Learn how to prepare a user-oriented, state-of-the-art HMI design.

    Future-proofing food and beverage production

    By Reinfried Kößlbacher

    Reasons why automation software is crucial to creating a comprehensive supply system by integrating production lines, sites and energy management systems.

    Managing the energy crisis in UK manufacturing

    By Martyn Williams

    Martyn Williams, managing director of COPA-DATA UK examines the role of EDMS in helping manufacturers through the energy crisis.

    Bridging the gap for Pharma 4.0

    By Alexandra Hughes

    Alexandra Hughes explains how zenon can help pharmaceutical manufacturers embrace Pharma 4.0 and integrate automation into their operation.

    MTP revolutionizing industries

    By Johannes Petrowisch

    All you need to know about modular production and how the manufacturer-independent standard, Module Type Package (MTP), is revolutionizing industries.

    Optimizing packaging processes – from pilot to rollout

    By Emilian Axinia

    Watch video 1 of 3 about the transformation of the Food & Beverage industry: Our specialists show how packaging processes can be innovatively optimized.

    Leveraging plant floor data cleverly & easily

    By Emilian Axinia

    Watch video part 2 of 3 about the transformation of the Food & Beverage industry: Our specialists show how leveraging plant floor data can be made easy.

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