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Melting Blog: Security & Research

What's trending in the world of digitalization and automation? The COPA-DATA blog about the fusion of OT and IT with zenon.

    Security and risk management in power generation

    By Alexander Punzenberger

    Alexander Punzenberger explains how power generation companies can implement strategies to protect themselves against evolving security threats.

    The need for OT-centric cyber security strategies

    By Reinhard Mayr

    Cyber security is consistently hailed as a top global concern for governments, individuals and businesses alike. However, most rhetoric on the subject focuses on securing IT, rather than OT.

    Digital twin for the win

    By Reinhard Mayr

    Reinhard Mayr explains how using a digital twin that is controlled by automation software to simulate machine behaviour can offer operational gains.

    Cybersecurity measures

    By Reinhard Mayr

    Reinhard Mayr explains why a secure web gateway is crucial for industry to combat rising cyber threats.

    A new way to manage updates and patches

    By Reinhard Mayr

    Reinhard Mayr, Head of Information Security, explains, how to automate and easily integrate new components, updates or patches with the ondeso platform by keeping your equipment up and running.

    The latest measures in industrial cyber security

    By Reinhard Mayr

    Let's check out why we think Research cooperation's in the area of OT Security are important

    The building blocks to a secure network

    By Reinhard Mayr

    Reinhard Mayr, Head of Information Security, explains, why building a secure architecture in your plant is key for securing digital processes.

    A step away from VPN

    By Garry Forfar

    Let's discuss why the energy industry is looking for alternatives for VPN and why they cannot offer the scale of required protection needed against today’s complex environment.

    Weak links in smart factories

    By Reinhard Mayr

    Security expert Reinhard Mayr explains, why asset management is critical for ensuring security in industrial infrastructure and production plants.

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