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Melting Blog

What's trending in the world of digitalization and automation? The COPA-DATA blog about the fusion of OT and IT with zenon.

    Secure in the knowledge

    By Reinhard Mayr

    When managing security remotely, knowledge is power. Let's explore how automation software is vital for protecting the security of previously-isolated systems.

    Sustaining the new normal

    By Martyn Williams

    Lets take a look at how manufacturers can positively adapt to resuming the new normal after the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Could coal mines solve Britain’s energy crisis?

    By Garry Forfar

    Let's take a look at the Seaham Garden Village project and how industrial automation software could be critical to supporting the success of similar projects.

    Improving resilience with industrial automation

    By Stefan Reuther

    Let's explore how industrial software can help manufacturers stay resilient during times of crisis.

    Integrating bioenergy into smart grids

    By Alan Binning

    Let's examine the potential of bioenergy generation and why, to integrate this valuable energy source into the smart grid, intelligent technology is essential.

    How mature is your digital plant?

    By Giuseppe Menin

    Along the Digital Plant Maturity Model Giuseppe Menin, Industry Manager Pharmaceutical at COPA-DATA, gives his advice to master digital pharma plants.

    Situational awareness in substations

    By Jürgen Resch

    Let's explore the challenge of data blind spots for substation operators and how technology can be used to gain greater situational awareness.

    Green hydrogen on the grid

    By Garry Forfar

    Offshore wind is rapidly emerging as a key potential power source for the production of green hydrogen. Let's look into the complex future of green hydrogen.

    How can manufacturers achieve complete plant automation?

    By Martyn Williams

    Let's look into the topic of complete plant automation and whether this is feasible for most manufacturers.

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