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Melting Blog: Energy & Infrastructure (3)

What's trending in the world of digitalization and automation? The COPA-DATA blog about the fusion of OT and IT with zenon.

    Compensating volatile supply from renewable sources

    By Stefan Hufnagl

    Stefan Hufnagl explains why using batteries to store energy on a large scale could help create a more economic and environmentally friendly energy grid.

    Next generation substations

    By Stefan Hufnagl

    What does the future substation look like? Stefan Hufnagl explains why standardizing communication is essential for the future of the energy grid.

    Setting new substation standards

    By Stefan Hufnagl

    Stefan Hufnagl, Energy Industry Specialist, explores why the IEC 61850 standard is so important, and how substation operations can sustainably benefit.

    The next step to carbon neutrality

    By Garry Forfar

    Let's take a closer look at how industrial software can aid in achieving the net-zero target.

    Keeping the lights on

    By Jürgen Resch

    Jürgen Resch, Energy and Infrastructure Industry Manager at COPA-DATA, investigates why stable renewable grid integration is crucial for Europe.

    Are wind farm communications where they need to be?

    By Garry Forfar

    Let's take a look why accurate communication of data is essential for the grid to primarily run on renewable energy sources.

    Solving issues with grid flexibility

    By Alan Binning

    Let's take a look why improvements in technology and growth in power electronics on the grid has brought DC back into the race against AC.

    Technology for energy resilience

    By Jürgen Resch

    Jürgen Resch, Industry Manager for Energy at COPA-DATA, explains, how to use technology and predictive maintenance to improve resilience to power failures.

    A step away from VPN

    By Garry Forfar

    Let's discuss why the energy industry is looking for alternatives for VPN and why they cannot offer the scale of required protection needed against today’s complex environment.

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