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Melting Blog

What's trending in the world of digitalization and automation? The COPA-DATA blog about the fusion of OT and IT with zenon.

    Virtualization: The next step in substation evolution

    By Jürgen Resch

    Jurgen Resch explores the concept of virtual substations, the benefits and challenges of virtualization in PAC, and how software supports transformation.

    The importance of energy efficiency for industrial ESG goals

    By Thomas Feßl

    Thomas Feßl explores how optimizing energy efficiency can help companies to enhance their resilience, improve sustainability and achieve their ESG goals.

    Boosting global competitiveness through digitalization and standardization

    By Johannes Petrowisch

    Johannes Petrowisch explains why standardization is key to unlocking digitalization’s benefits and ensuring long-term industrial competitiveness.

    How to integrate legacy equipment’s data in pharma

    By Giuseppe Menin

    Accurate electronic batch records are critical to data integrity in the pharmaceutical industry. An Automation Integration Layer (AIL) can help.

    Substation digitalization and next-level testing

    By Jürgen Resch

    By embracing digital technology, the energy transmission sector holds the key to a net zero future, writes Jürgen Resch.

    Digital twins as a key player in pharmaceutical production

    By Stephan Nobis

    Stephan Nobis explores how digital twin technology can optimize pharmaceutical manufacturing operations.

    Why modular flow chemistry leads to better pharmaceuticals

    By Giuseppe Menin

    Modular flow chemistry enables the pharmaceutical industry to reduce complexity and boost efficiency. Here’s how MTP-ready plants can help.

    Solving the skills shortage with standardization

    By Stefan Reuther

    Stefan Reuther, Member of the Executive Board at COPA-DATA, explains how standardization could alleviate the global skills shortage.

    The impact of IEC 61850 on the future of the energy sector

    By Khalid Qarooni

    Khalid Qarooni, Technical Sales & Business Development Engineer at COPA-DATA, explores how IEC 61850 can support the energy sector.

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